Saturday 6 January 2018

Custard Apple Ice Cream Recipe

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 0 mins
Total Time: 15 mins

Ingredients for Custard Apple Ice Cream
2 cups milk
1 cup milk powder
½ cup (100 grams) fresh cream
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
¾ cup custard apple (sitaphal) pulp

Method for Custard Apple Ice Cream
1. Combine all the ingredients except the custard apple pulp and mix well till the sugar dissolves. Add the custard apple pulp and mix well.
2. Pour into a shallow container. Cover and freeze till it is semi-set.
3. Divide the mixture into 2 batches and churn in a blender till the ice crystals break and the ice-cream is smooth and creamy.
4. Transfer both the batches into the shallow container. Cover and freeze till firm.
5. Scoop and serve.
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