Tuesday 16 January 2018

Apple Jalebi Recipe

Apple Jalebi Recipe

  • 12 Apple Rings
For The Jalebi Batter
  • 1/2 TspDry Yeast
  • 1 TspSugar
  • 1 CupPlain Flour (Maida)
  • 1 TbspMelted Ghee
  • OilFor Deep-Frying
For The Sugar Syrup
  • 1 CupSugar
  • 1/2 TspSaffron Strands
  • A PinchOf Saffron Colour
  • 2 TspRose Water
  • 1 Tbsp Milk
For The Garnish
  • 1/2 Tsp Cardamom (Elaichi) Powder
  • 10-12Pistachio Slivers
  • A Few Rose Petals

For the jalebi batter
  • In a bowl add yeast, 2 pinches of sugar and ½ cup of lukewarm water and mix it well.
  • Sprinkle 2 pinches of plain flour on top, cover with a lid and keep it aside to rest for 3 to 4 minutes and when the bowl is full of froth, the yeast is ready to use andkeep it aside.
  • In a bowl add plain flour, sugar, ghee, yeast liquid, and some warm water (approx. ½ cup) and mix it well to make a thick batter.
  • Cover with the lid and keep it aside to rest for 40 to 50 minutes and mix it well again.
For the sugar syrup
  • Warm the saffron in a small vessel, add milk and rub until the saffron dissolves and keep it aside.
  • In a kadhai add sugar and 1 cup of waterand cook on a medium flame for 8 to 10 minutes or till the sugar dissolves completely and the syrup is of 1 thread consistency.
  • Add the saffron-milk mixture, saffron color and rose water, mix well and cook on a slow flame for 2 more minutes and stir continuously and keep the syrup warm.
How to proceed
  • Heat oil in a kadhai, dip the apple rings into the batter a few at a time and deep-fry in oil till they turn golden brown in color and crisp from both the sides and drain it well and keep it aside.
  • Place the apple Jalebi in the warm sugar syrup one by one, soak for 1 minute and transfer to a serving plate.
  • Garnish with cardamom powder, pistachios, and rose petals and serve it hot.

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